Personal data treatment and cookie policy according to the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) 2016/679 and Art. 122 D.Lgs. 196/2003.
The present policy on the treatment of personal data, in compliance with the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) 2016/679 and 122 (Cookies Policy) as in D.Lgs. June 30 2003 n.196, Code regarding the protection of personal data, aims to let the Users of this website know the modes of personal data treatment and the use of cookies. In particular, it concerns the treatment related to the collection and to the next operations performed on the Users' personal data by browsing the pages of this website, inserting the data in the event of registration, the instruments for the request of information by e-mail, contact forms, using services and/or apps and similar, as well as the use of information on the User's surfing for determinate functionalities of the website or for third parties, technical or commercial (cookies).
The treatment of personal data will be anyway based on the principles of correctness, lawfulness, frankness and safeguard of the User's privacy and rights to freedom. The user is the person concerned by the treatment.
Privacy Policy
Personal data treatment policy according to the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) 2016/679.
Fotomeccanica S.r.l a socio unico (single shareholder), with registered office in Zona Industriale 49, 31040 Onigo di Pederobba (TV) Italy – hereafter referred as “Owner” or the “Company” - as treatment owner, informs you according to the article 13.Ue Regulation 2016/679 (hereafter referred as “GDPR”) that your data will be treated in the following manner and with the following purposes:
The Owner treats personal, identification and specific data, (by way of example but not exhaustive: name, surname, business name, address, telephone, e-mail, hereafter referred as “personal data” or “data”) communicated from You:
The treatment Owner of your personal data is Fotomeccanica S.r.l a socio unico (single shareholder), legally represented by Mr. Maurizio Bastianon, with registered office in Zona Industriale 49, 31040 Onigo di Pederobba (TV) Italy – tax code and VAT number IT03402170264.
Hereby are reported the Owner's contact data:
- telephone: +39 0423 648356
- Email address:
- certified electronic mailbox (PEC): Fotomeccanica Srl
Your personal data are treated:
- contacting you with any means for opinion and appreciation surveys or newsletters.
The treatment of your personal data is achieved through the operations specified in art.4n.2) GDPR and precisely: data collection, registration, organisation, conservation, consulting, elaboration, modification, selection, extraction, comparison, utilisation, interconnection, block, communication, cancellation and destruction. Your personal data undergo a paper and electronic and/or automatized treatment, by means of the website held on a server owned by Whynet and the utilisation of the Mail Up platform supplied by means of annual subscription by Whynet Srl with registered office in 35141 Padua, Via Sorio 46/A, C.F. and VAT number: 04607950286 – telephone number: +39 049 2021227 – email:
The Owner will treat the personal data for the necessary time to fulfill the purposes above mentioned and in any case no longer than 10 years from the suspension of the relationship for Service Purposes and for no longer than 5 years from the collection of the data for Other Purposes.
Your personal data will be treated exclusively by our employees, purposely authorized and trained to treat such data and, in any case, under the responsibility of the Owner of the treatment and exclusively for the purpose for which your data have been collected.
Fotomeccanica Srl applies technical and organisational actions suitable and adequate based on GPDR's dispositions to guarantee the security of your personal data, protecting them from loss, theft and/or violation, as well as unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration and/or destruction, both voluntary and accidental.
Your personal data will be preserved exclusively at our Company and they will not be communicated or transmitted to third parties.
Nevertheless, Fotomeccanica Srl might be forced, in some cases, to transmit Your personal data, in whole or in part, to third parties because of legal obligation, legal action of any kind or type and/or requests from public authorities.
Your data could be made accessible for the purposes indicated in art. 3.A) and 3.B):
- to employees and partners of the Owner, as individuals in charge and/or internally responsible of treatment and/or system administrators;
Your data could be made accessible for the only purposes indicated in art. 3.A)
- to third parties societies or other subjects (as an indication, website providers, cloud providers, e-payment service providers, suppliers, technicians in charge of hardware and software assistance, shippers and/or couriers, financing institutes, professional studios, etc.) who conduct outsourcing activities on the owner's behalf, as treatment responsible.
Without Your explicit agreement (art.6 lett. b) e c)GDPR), the Owner will be able to communicate your data as indicated in art.3.A) to security organisations and legal authorities as well as all the others subjects to which communication is mandatory by law or necessary for the completion of the purposes as described in art.3.A).
Fotomeccanica Srl does not use automatized process with the purpose of outlining.
Fotomeccanica Srl does not transfer nor cede your data to third parts countries nor to International Organisations.
The data collection for the purposes described in art.3.A) is mandatory. In their absence, we will not be able to grant you the Services in art.3.A).
On the contrary, the data collection for the purposes described in art.3.B) is optional. You can therefore decide not to give access to any data or to successively deny the possibility to treat the already given data. You will anyway have right to the services described in art.3.A).
As person concerned, you have the rights described in art.15GDPR and precisely the rights to:
- oppose, in whole or in part:
Where appliable, you also have the rights described in artt.16-21 GDPR (amendment right, oblivion right, treatment limitation right, data portability right, opposition right), as well as the complaint right towards the Guaranteeing Authority.
You can exercise your rights anytime by sending:
- a registered mail adddressed to: Fotomeccanica S.r.l a socio unico – Zona Industriale 49 – 31040 Onigo di Pederobba (TV)
- an e-mail to the address
The present Policy can be subjected to alterations. We therefore advise you to check this Policy regularly and to refer to the most current version.
Pour le bon fonctionnement de notre site Web, nous utilisons cookies. Afin d'obtenir votre consentement valide pour l'utilisation et le stockage de cookies dans le navigateur que vous utilisez pour accéder à notre site Web et pour documenter correctement ceci, nous utilisons une plateforme de gestion des consentements : CookieFirst. Cette technologie est fournie par Digital Data Solutions BV, Plantage Middenlaan 42a, 1018 DH, Amsterdam, Pays-Bas. Site web : désigné sous le nom de CookieFirst.
Lorsque vous accédez à notre site web, une connexion est établie avec le serveur de CookieFirstpour nous donner la possibilité d'obtenir un consentement valide de votre part pour l'utilisation de certains cookies. CookieFirst stocke ensuite un cookie dans votre navigateur afin de pouvoir activer uniquement les cookies auxquels vous avez consenti et de le documenter correctement. Les données traitées sont stockées jusqu'à l'expiration de la période de stockage prédéfinie ou jusqu'à ce que vous demandiez la suppression des données. Certaines périodes de conservation légales obligatoires peuvent s'appliquer nonobstant ce qui précède.
CookieFirst est utilisé pour obtenir le consentement légalement requis pour l'utilisation de cookies. La base juridique pour cela est l'article 6, paragraphe 1, point c), du règlement général sur la protection des données (RGPD).
Nous avons conclu un accord de traitement des données avec CookieFirst. Il s'agit d'un contrat requis par la loi sur la protection des données, qui garantit que les données des visiteurs de notre site Web ne sont traitées que conformément à nos instructions et dans le respect du GDPR.
Notre site web et CookieFirst collectent et stockent automatiquement des informations dans ce qu'on appelle des fichiers journaux de serveur, que votre navigateur nous transmet automatiquement. Les données suivantes sont collectées :